
Information Collected
Personal information (name, email address, phone number, etc.).Payment details.Booking history.Cookies and usage data.Use of Collected Information
Purpose of collecting user information (e.g., processing bookings, improving services, marketing purposes, etc.).Legal basis for processing personal data (if applicable).How collected data is utilized by the hotel and any third parties involved in the booking process.Retention period for user data.Protection of Information
Security measures implemented to safeguard user data (encryption, secure servers, etc.).Steps taken to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data.Information about third-party services used (if any) and their data protection practices.Cookies and Tracking
Explanation of the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies.Types of cookies used and their purposes.How users can manage cookies or opt out of tracking.Third-Party Links
Disclaimer about links to third-party websites or services and their independent privacy policies.Clarification that the hotel is not responsible for the practices employed by these third parties.
Updates to the Privacy Policy
Statement regarding the Hyderspark Hotel in Thanjavur’s right to update the privacy policy and the effective date of any changes.Notification process for informing users about policy updates.Legal Compliance
Compliance with relevant data protection laws (such as GDPR, CCPA, etc.).Contact Information
Contact details for the data controller or responsible party.Instructions for users to reach out with questions or concerns about their data.
We guarantee that you will have a peaceful and enjoyable holiday away from stress with our uniquely designed rooms in our hotel. If you want to get away from the stress of daily life and have a pleasant holiday, book your room now.